Heart Shine Belgium


Heart Shine Stress Release Treatment


This Heart Shine treatment is a supplement to the Heart Shine Basic Treatment. In the everyday life we experinece a lot of stress which effects our nervous system. The stress can come from an unusual sound, a stimulus on the way to work, conflicts with our partner or children at home, stress at work, etc. As a result of the stress, the neural pathways in the brain narrow and the circulation in these neural pathways slows down. If we don't eliminate the stress, over time the stress cause physical symptoms, tiredness and fatigue. With this technique we regulate the energy pathways of the brain. As a result you will feel an overwhelming calmness, you will be more free and relaxed. Your ideas will be unleashed, you will see the world more positively. Furthermore, it helps to change our way of thinking, our creative energies and our whole life. This treatment is especially recommended for those struggling with anxiety, panic, addictions, lack of self-confidence and self-love.


Session duration: 1-1.5 hours